14 research outputs found

    GADD34 Ablation Exacerbates Retinal Degeneration in P23H RHO Mice

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    The UPR is sustainably activated in degenerating retinas, leading to translational inhibition via p-eIF2α. Recent findings have demonstrated that ablation of growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein 34 (GADD34), a protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit permitting translational machinery operation through p-eIF2α elevation, does not impact the rate of translation in fast-degenerating rd16 mice. The current study aimed to validate whether P23H RHO mice degenerating at a slower pace manifest translational attenuation and whether GADD34 ablation impacts the rate of retinal degeneration via further suppression of retinal protein synthesis and apoptotic cell death. For this study, mice were examined with ERG and histological analyses. The molecular assessment was conducted in the naïve and LPS-challenged mice using Western blot and qRT-PCR analyses. Thus, this study demonstrates that the P23H RHO retinas manifest translational attenuation. However, GADD34 ablation resulted in a more prominent p-eIF2a increase without impacting the translation rate. GADD34 deficiency also led to a reduction in scotopic ERG amplitudes and an increased number of TUNEL-positive cells. Molecular analysis revealed that GADD34 deficiency reduces the expression of p-STAT3 and Il-6 while increasing the expression of Tnfa. Overall, the data indicate that GADD34 plays a multifunctional role. Under chronic UPR activation, GADD34 acts as a feedback player, dephosphorylating p-eIF2a, although this role does not seem to be critical. Additionally, GADD34 controls cytokine expression and STAT3 activation. Perhaps these molecular events are particularly important in controlling the pace of retinal degeneration

    The loss of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) during normal aging or from siRNA knockdown augments human alpha-synuclein (α-syn) toxicity to rat nigral neurons.

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    Age-related structural changes and gradual loss of key enzymes significantly affect the ability of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to facilitate proper protein folding and maintain homeostasis. In this work, we present several lines of evidence supporting the hypothesis that the age-related decline in expression of the ER chaperone glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) could be related to the development of Parkinson's disease. We first determined that old (24 months) rats exhibit significantly lower levels of GRP78 protein in the nigrostriatal system as compared with young (2 months) animals. Then using recombinant adeno-associate virus-mediated gene transfer, we found that GRP78 downregulation by specific small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) aggravates alpha-synuclein (α-syn) neurotoxicity in nigral dopamine (DA) neurons. Moreover, the degree of chaperone decline corresponds with the severity of neurodegeneration. Additionally, comparative analysis of nigral tissues obtained from old and young rats revealed that aging affects the capacity of nigral DA cells to upregulate endogenous GRP78 protein in response to human α-syn neurotoxicity. Finally, we demonstrated that a sustained increase of GRP78 protein over the course of 9 months protected aging nigral DA neurons in the α-syn-induced rat model of Parkinson's-like neurodegeneration. Our data indicate that the ER chaperone GRP78 may have therapeutic potential for preventing and/or slowing age-related neurodegeneration

    In Vivo RNAi-Mediated α-Synuclein Silencing Induces Nigrostriatal Degeneration

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    Two small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting α-synuclein (α-syn) and three control siRNAs were cloned in an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector and unilaterally injected into rat substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). Reduction of α-syn resulted in a rapid (4 week) reduction in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive cells and striatal dopamine (DA) on the injected side. The level of neurodegeneration induced by the different siRNAs correlated with their ability to downregulate α-syn protein and mRNA in tissue culture and in vivo. Examination of various SNc neuronal markers indicated that neurodegeneration was due to cell loss and not just downregulation of DA synthesis. Reduction of α-syn also resulted in a pronounced amphetamine induced behavioral asymmetry consistent with the level of neurodegeneration. In contrast, none of the three control siRNAs, which targeted genes not normally expressed in SNc, showed evidence of neurodegeneration or behavioral asymmetry, even at longer survival times. Moreover, co-expression of both rat α-syn and α-syn siRNA partially reversed the neurodegenerative and behavioral effects of α-syn siRNA alone. Our data show that α-syn plays an important role in the rat SNc and suggest that both up- and downregulation of wild-type α-syn expression increase the risk of nigrostriatal pathology

    The phosphorylation state of Ser-129 in human α-synuclein determines neurodegeneration in a rat model of Parkinson disease

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    Studies have shown that α-synuclein (α-syn) deposited in Lewy bodies in brain tissue from patients with Parkinson disease (PD) is extensively phosphorylated at Ser-129. We used recombinant Adeno-associated virus (rAAV) to overexpress human wild-type (wt) α-syn and two human α-syn mutants with site-directed replacement of Ser-129 to alanine (S129A) or to aspartate (S129D) in the nigrostriatal tract of the rat to investigate the effect of Ser-129 phosphorylation state on dopaminergic neuron pathology. Rats were injected with rAAV2/5 vectors in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) on one side of the brain; the other side remained as a nontransduced control. The level of human wt or mutant α-syn expressed on the injected side was about four times the endogenous rat α-syn. There was a significant reduction of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc and dopamine (DA) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) levels in the striatum of all S129A-treated rats as early as 4 wk postinjection. Nigral DA pathology occurred more slowly in the wt-injected animals, but by 26 wk the wt α-syn group lost nigral TH neurons equivalent to the mutated S129A group at 8 wk. In stark contrast, we did not observe any pathological changes in S129D-treated animals. Therefore, the nonphosphorylated form of S129 exacerbates α-syn-induced nigral pathology, whereas Ser-129 phosphorylation eliminates α-syn-induced nigrostriatal degeneration. This suggests possible new therapeutic targets for Parkinson Disease. © 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA